Where will blockchain industry be in 2019? You tell us.


What are the killer apps utilizing blockchain technology which have yet to be invented? What are your favorite new protocols and why? Great questions.

Our 2018-2019 Market Report will ask our friends and fellow experts these questions and more. We need your help. Our market report goes out to thousands of founders, investors, advisors, journalists, conference attendees and others in the blockchain space. We want to ask the best questions about 2019 blockchain trends.

Here are some of the topics we’re already looking to cover. What are we missing?

  • The rise of security tokens (or fall of utility tokens).
  • Where blockchain is actually being incorporated in the real world; what industries do you think will adopt at a quick pace in 2019?
  • Industry standards and ethics—do we need an industry group to help set these?

What questions do you want answered? Also, if you think you would be a good fit to contribute, or know someone else who might be, say hello to us hello@decentranet.com. We are stoked to share the insights we discover.